Cornell University – Douglas Graduate Fellowship


A fellowship provides financial support to graduate students to pursue graduate studies without associated teaching or research responsibilites (as they are in a teaching or research assistantship). Fellowships are generally merit-based internal or external awards to support a student in a full-time course of study.

The Graduate School funds a significant number of entering doctoral students with fellowships awarded through their graduate field.

Fellowship Database

The Graduate School has a searchable fellowship database of over 1,000 graduate fellowships.

Fellowship Workshops

We offer fellowship workshops, boot camps, consultation, and review sessions, the details of which can be found here.


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE