The Anne Frank Center USA – The Spirit of Anne Frank Awards


Anne Frank Outstanding Scholarship Award
Applicants must be graduating high school seniors who are community leaders and have been accepted to a four-year college. The winning applicant receives a $10,000 scholarship. The award recognizes students who exemplify the commitment, ideals and courage that Anne Frank represents today. Examples of such activities include:

  • Acting as spokespersons for tolerance;
  • On a daily basis, having the courage to be bridge builders and peacemakers;
  • Creating programs that address intolerance, violence prevention and conflict resolution;
  • Standing up against intolerance by leading or participating in community-based organizations.

Anne Frank Outstanding Educator Award
The Anne Frank Center USA solicits nominations of individuals who have proven that they have the personal courage to make a difference as educators. The award recognizes those who: have created special programs or opportunities that encourage students to stand up against racism, prejudice and bias-related violence; embody tolerance in both their personal and professional endeavors; and/or have established cultural or educational programs for traditionally excluded groups.

Anne Frank Outstanding Citizen Award
The Anne Frank Center USA solicits nominations of adults who are community leaders, bridge builders and role models. These individuals embody tolerance and promote unity and peace.

Personal Essay
Applicants are required to write a 1000 word essay describing contribution(s) they have made to their community and how their goals are inspired by Anne Frank. The essay should relate a single personal experience that demonstrates a commitment to social justice through peace initiatives, by taking a stand against discrimination of any type, reaching out to underserved community members, or working to bring diverse people together. We strongly recommend that applicants read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl and include in their essay themes from the diary relate to their own life experience.

We hope to discourage applicants from sending a list of clubs they have joined, volunteer hours they have worked, or recycled college essays. Recent winners have started nonprofits, helped change federal law, turned their life around through a commitment to education, written a book about a social issue, and challenged prejudice as a community leader.

Letters of Recommendation
Applicants are also required to provide two letters of recommendation on letterhead from supporting sponsors who are personally familiar with the applicant’s contributions. Applicants may not be sponsored by parents or family members.

Supporting Material
Acceptable supporting materials include photocopies of photographs, newspapers, magazine or online articles, awards and letters of recognition. DO NOT SEND high school transcripts, CDs, DVDs. The Anne Frank Center USA will not return any supporting materials.

For further information about applications or nominations, please contact the Center at


Gender: Female
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE