Committee on Human Rights Studies Research Grant

2016-2017 Human Rights Research Grant Competition

The Human Rights Institute announces the Human Rights Research Grant Competition for the Faculty and Staff at the University of Connecticut. The objective of the competition is to support and promote research projects on human rights related questions.

Faculty and Staff Research & Book Preparation.

The funding competition is open to all faculty and staff in all disciplines at Storrs and the regional campuses.

Evaluation Criteria for Faculty Human Rights Research Grant Applications

1. Overall excellence of the proposed research project on human rights issues, understood broadly. Projects should make a significant contribution to ongoing scholarly and policy debates in the field of human rights.

2. Research awards will prioritize primary research, including library research, fieldwork, interviewing, historical archival research, pilot studies, data collection and data set construction, etc.

3. Requests for funding for conference travel and seminar/course tuition will be considered.

4. Book preparation requests could include copy editing, indexing, editorial assistance, etc. However, requests for subventions will not be considered.

Application format

Faculty Research Grant applications should be a maximum of three pages; written materials should be double spaced and printed in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1 inch standard margins.

Each application of a maximum of three pages should include the intellectual rationale for the project, a list of expected project outcomes, a methodology section, and a budget narrative of research-related expenses. Ordinarily, budget requests should not exceed $2000. In addition, please provide a copy of your most up-to-date CV.

Deadline for the Application is March 3, 2017


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE