WITI – Women in Technology International – Leader in Technology


Women in Technology International

Carolyn Leighton founded WITI to help women advance by providing access to – and support from – other professional women working in all sectors of technology (read the story or watch the video.) WITI started in 1989 as The International Network of Women in Technology and, in 2001, evolved into The WITI Professional Association, the world’s leading trade association for tech-savvy women. Today, WITI is the premiere global organization empowering women in business and technology to achieve unimagined possibilities.

With a global network of smart, talented women and a market reach exceeding 2 million, WITI has powerful programs and partnerships that provide connections, resources, opportunities and a supportive environment of women committed to helping each other. Along with its professional association of Networks throughout the U.S. and worldwide, including Hong Kong, Great Britain, Australia, and Mexico, WITI delivers value for individuals that work for a company, the government or academia, as well as small business owners.

WITI products and services include: Networking, WITI Marketplace, Career Services/Search, National Conferences and Regional Events, Publications and Resources, Small Business Programs, Research, Bulletin Boards and more.

WITI’s Mission

WITI’s mission is to empower women worldwide to achieve unimagined possibilities and transformations through technology, leadership and economic prosperity.

WITI’s Goals

  • Provide a platform of connections, resources and opportunities
  • Transform corporate and media perceptions of women
  • Create a pipeline of women to fill leadership positions in corporate America
  • Demonstrate that advancing women directly contributes to the prosperity of all
  • Influence top leaders in government, academia and industry to recognize the purchasing power of women
  • Encourage girls and young women to choose business and technology careers

WITI Corporate Members

WITI now provides an outsourced solution to power companies’ women’s networks. We currently provide these services for ADP, AT&T, eBay, EMC, GEICO, IBM, and Life Technologies. While these companies already had some programming in place, they particularly like our services for their employees because it allows women (and some of the men) to participate in programs around the globe. We offer 2 to 4 live webinars a month in addition to a library of content on the web that helps them grow in their careers and life in general. We also have live events, meet-ups at industry events, networking, mentoring, etc.

In addition to the employee training and retention services, we also support recruiting initiatives, product branding initiatives, personal branding or your key people and working with you to make yours the company of choice for professional, tech savvy women.

Our recruiting services include scraping all of your jobs and adding them to our jobs database, setting up targeted events to help you attract the passive candidates you cannot find through other areas, and work with you on other creative ideas to help you get hires.

WITI Networks


For professional women who consider technology central to their businesses, careers and professions, WITI Networks provide amazing connections, resources and opportunities – all in a supportive environment that includes men who champion WITI’s mission.


For organizations that want to reach decision makers, hire “star” employees and increase their bottom line by tapping into the power of WITI’s products and services. Businesses benefit by recognizing the that women’s leadership skills and purchasing power are the greatest economic force at work in the American economy today.


WITI WIN provides a forum for professionals to network with each other, forge connections, share resources and discover opportunities in their technology industry.

WITI Member Profile


  • Around the Globe


  • Corporation
  • Government
  • Academia
  • Small Business Owner
  • Consultant
  • Student


  • Women using the power of technology
  • All Functions: Finance, Human Resources, IT, Management, Sales, Operations, Marketing, Engineering, etc.


Every career stage:

  • College or University Student
  • Entry Level
  • Mid-Level Manager
  • Individual Contributor
  • Executive
  • Small Business Owner
  • Member of the Professions

WITI Member Demographics

Statistics about our members are available here.


Gender: Female
Country: International
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: No
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE