The AllPeopleBeHappy Volunteer Service Award enables volunteers to do service projects in the developing world. These Volunteer Service Awards enable impassioned young people to give of their time and talents while expanding their understanding of people and communities living in poverty. This program was launched in early 2010, and there were 5 award winners. Fundraising enabled us to increase the number of award recipients to 9 in 2011, to 11 in 2012, to 17 in 2013, to 22 in 2014, and to 25 in 2015. This year, there are 8 Spring 2016 award recipients. To read about the efforts of these volunteers, click on the “2010 Award Recipients“, or the “2011 Award Recipients“, or the “2012 Award Recipients“, or the “2013 Spring Award Recipients“, or the “2013 Fall Award Recipients“, or the “2014 Spring Award Recipients“, or the “2014 Fall Award Recipients“, or the “2015 Spring Award Recipients“,or the “2015 Fall Award Recipients“, or the “ 2016 Spring Award Recipients“.
For instructions to apply for an AllPeopleBeHappy Volunteer Service Award, Click here.