Kaplan Essay Contest


The Comprehensive Studies Program, formed in 1983, is a comprehensive program of academic support for students with outstanding potential for success at the University of Michigan. CSP is a Michigan Learning Community that is an academic unit within the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and which offers a variety of academic support services, including the Summer Bridge Program, academic year course instruction, advising, tutoring, and freshmen interest groups. CSP works closely with a wide variety of academic departments, offices and programs throughout the university, including offices in the various schools and colleges, the Undergraduate Admissions Office, the Office of Financial Aid, and the Division of Student Affairs.

CSP’s mission is to support, academically enrich and retain its students within and beyond the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. CSP’s approach is comprehensive — providing course instruction, academic advising, and other services — but instruction and advising are central to CSP’s mission. The program’s aim is to develop self-directed, successful students.

CSP’s academic advisors develop strong working relationships with students. Through consistent on-going interaction, students and advisors forge a lasting relationship that is the foundation for personal guidance based on detailed familiarity with students’ intellectual strengths, needs, interests, and goals.

CSP faculty and staff are dedicated to supporting students who have the determination, dedication, and willingness to work hard toward achieving their academic and career goals.

The Comprehensive Studies Program is centrally located in 1139 Angell Hall. CSP is easily accessible and provides a friendly atmosphere where students can meet with faculty, talk with their advisors, obtain useful information concerning University requirements and events, and meet with other program students.

El Comprehensive Studies Program ofrece servicios especiales y asistencia a los estudiantes que participan en el programa de CSP de la Universidad de Michigan. CSP es localizado en el centro del campus en 1139 Angell Hall, CSP provee un ambiante donde los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de conocer y convesar con profesores, con consejeros y otros estudiantes del CSP, actividades que pueden ser utilidad en su carrera en la Universidad de Michigan.

Kaplan Essay Contest

The Ann Arbor Kaplan Center and the Comprehensive Studies Program at the University of Michigan presents the CSP student 2013 annual: “Grad School for Humanity” essay contest. Interested students should have their essay submitted to the CSP office (1139 Angell Hall) no later than November 7th.


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: No
Community Service: No
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE