The Springfield Foundation


The Springfield Foundation is the 15th largest community foundation in the state of Ohio. It is Clark County’s center for philanthropy, where Clark Countians make a difference every day. Founded in 1948, the Springfield Foundation has helped generations of Clark Countians create a charitable legacy. We’re invested in the future of our community.

We provide a variety of charitable fund and gift options to help Clark Countians make a difference. Families, individuals, and businesses have established nearly 500 charitable funds that we invest and administer in accordance with their wishes. Together, these donors, along with our competitive grantmaking programs, contribute nearly $3.8 million each year to support nonprofits in Clark County and beyond.

Our Mission

The Springfield Foundation raises, strengthens, and distributes permanent charitable funds to benefit Clark County and the surrounding region.

Vision Statement

The Springfield Foundation helps donors and the community improve the quality of life for all residents now and for generations to come.

Core Values

Promotion of Philanthropy: We encourage local giving at all levels to connect donors with the causes they care about.

Community: We serve all areas of Clark County and the surrounding region.

Stewardship: We are committed to providing effective and efficient management of the funds under our care through wise investment, careful consideration of the community’s needs and evaluation of the impact of each distribution.

Collaboration: We partner with donors, grantees and fellow funders for the greater good of Clark County and the surrounding region.

Relevance: We are committed to evolving with the changing needs of the community.


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: Ohio
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Need
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE