Harvard F. Stanton Deland Jr., Endowment Grant Fellow


The Deland Award for Student Research supports investigations by graduate and advanced undergraduate students working on the comparative biology of woody plants, including developmental biology, physiology, genetics, reproductive biology, or ecology. Preference is given to students whose research utilizes the living collections of the Arnold Arboretum.

Awards of up to $10,000 are granted to support student research expenses and, in some cases, living expenses incurred during the research period. Awards are not intended to serve as a salary stipend for students.

Application Information

Awards are granted through a competitive review process. Selection of recipient(s) will be based on the educational background of the student and their readiness to conduct the proposed research; the quality of the proposed research; and the relevance of the proposed research to the living collections of the Arnold Arboretum.

To be considered for an award, online applications should include the following:

  • Cover letter.
  • Research statement. The statement should be 1 to 2-pages and describes your research project and how additional funding via the Deland Award would further your research aims. Include how the living collection of the Arnold Arboretum will be utilized and the names of other collaborators (in addition to your advisor). References should be included but do not count as part of the page limit.
  • Research budget. Applicants should submit a simple, 1-page budget that itemizes the research and travel costs associated with the proposed project.
  • Project time-line. Applicants should submit a time-line of the project and anticipated start and end dates.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Two letters of recommendation. As part of the online submission, you must send a request to the two referees to submit a letter of recommendation (via the request section). The referee will be automatically sent an email with a link to an online submission form where they will upload a letter of recommendation. It is highly recommended that you contact your referee prior to sending the request. Please inform the referee to expect an email from Admin@communityforce.com with instructions for submitting a recommendation letter. Each referee must upload his/her letter of recommendation via the link by February 1.

Special Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be an advanced undergraduate or graduate student.


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE