The College Club of Cleveland Foundation


The College Club of Cleveland Foundation

Founded in 1898, the College Club of Cleveland aims to promote the social, philanthropic and literary interest of Cleveland’’s college-educated women. As early as 1898 the members collected donations for women seeking higher education. The Augusta Mittleberger Scholarship was established in 1924, to be followed in 1998 by the Sally Hirsh Scholarship. Additional scholarships are awarded as funds become available. The College Club Foundation has awarded over 120 scholarships since 1990. Although in the Club’s early years only the education of women was promoted, the present day Club admits both men and women and the Foundation now awards scholarships to both male and female students.

The College Club of Cleveland Foundation, whose funds are managed by The Cleveland Foundation, is pleased to offer scholarships to seniors graduating from public high schools in Cleveland and the surrounding suburbs. Awards are for tuition only and are limited to a maximum of four years or the achievement of a Baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first. All scholarships are renewable annually if students maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher.

To apply for a scholarship

Scholarship applications are accepted between November 1 and March 1.

    • Download the application form (a fill-in Word form)
    • Fill it out using Word, then save it with your last name in the file name.
    • Email completed application to
    • Have two letters of reference emailed to Here is a form to give the people from whom you are requesting letters: Word | PDF (use of the form is optional).
    • Have your most recent transcript and attendance records emailed to or sent to the address below. Here is a form to give your school when requesting transcript and attendance records: Word | PDF (use of the form is optional).
    • No applications will be accepted for consideration before November 1st or after March 1st.
    • Incomplete applications will be rejected.
    • Scholarship recipients will be notified during the month of April.

The College Club of Cleveland Foundation
attn: Scholarship Committee
2348 Overlook Road
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106-2398


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: Ohio
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE