Wisconsin Forensic Coaches Association Extemporaneous Speaking State Champion


The WFCA’s mission is “to instill and develop in students communication skills vital for a lifetime of effective participation in a democratic society.” To that end, the WFCA promotes the interests of Wisconsin interscholastic forensics by assisting in the regulation and improvement of forensic practices and by serving as a forum for the airing of opinions concerning forensic activities. Member schools receive notices of invitational tournaments through an official mailing list. The season culminates with the State Tournament, open to every member school.

In addition to sponsoring a full calendar of tournaments, WFCA offers training and program support. A Workshop for both students and coaches is offered each fall. A Spring Convention includes meetings and workshop sessions for coaches. WFCA officers and committee chairs are available to answer questions and provide support to forensic coaches. This Web site offers communication tools for coaches and helpful articles and links to resources across the Web.

Any Wisconsin or surrounding state high school is eligible for membership, and is allowed one vote in organization decision-making. Annual dues for each school year are $75. To join, submit to the current treasurer a completed membership form along with a check payable to WFCA. Individuals other than coaches may join as affiliate (non-voting) members.

Read more about the benefits of forensics for students and coaches…


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: No
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE