Regents Scholar


The most prestigious scholarship on the UC Davis campus, the Regents Scholarship is awarded to students based solely on their academic and personal achievements. If you will enter UC Davis as a freshman or junior transfer, or if you are a continuing student entering your junior year, you are eligible for this scholarship and its associated privileges.

Selection of Scholars

The Regents Scholarship is a merit-based award—scholars are selected based on their academic achievements and personal accomplishments rather than financial need.

To qualify for consideration, freshman applicants are considered solely on the basis of information contained in the UC application; transfer applicants must have a GPA of 3.80 or higher and must submit an online letter of recommendation to the Undergraduate Scholarship Office between October 1, 2016–January 4, 2017. Entering students who have been selected to receive the Regents Scholarship will be notified when they receive their offer of admission.

Award Amount

New Regents Scholars receive an honorarium award of $7,500, disbursed over three quarters.

Qualified students with demonstrated financial need may receive an additional stipend designed to supplement the student’s own resources. Student resources include savings, summer earnings, parent contributions, federal and state grants and scholarships awarded by other agencies. The stipend frees Regents Scholars from the necessity of working while enrolled in school and should allow students to graduate without any loan debt.

Scholarship Terms

The Regents Scholarship covers twelve quarters of undergraduate study for freshman recipients and six quarters for transfer recipients with junior-level standing. The honorarium is awarded annually through the duration of the scholarship, as are the library and priority registration privileges.

In order to continue the scholarship, you must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25, complete at least 39 units each year and be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student. The Undergraduate Scholarship Office/Regents Scholarship Program monitors eligibility quarterly.

Detailed information on the scholarship and eligibility terms for Regents Scholars is included with each award offer. Learn more about the Regents Scholarship from the Undergraduate and Prestigious Scholarships office.


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: No
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE