92 years. That’s how long Federation has been building our Jewish community and Jewish identity. It’s how long we have been the Jewish safety net, providing counseling for families in crisis, supportive services for seniors and people with special needs, and career counseling and job placement assistance for the unemployed.
Federation helps to make Jewish education and Jewish camping affordable, stands up for Israel, and connects people socially and culturally to their heritage in countless ways. We respond to emergencies near and far, from Haiti to the Jersey shore.
The largest Jewish philanthropy in New Jersey, Federation encompasses Essex, Morris, Sussex, Union, and parts of Somerset County. We have the expertise and experience to leverage the work of our 31 local and overseas partner agencies so that what we accomplish, with the help of people like you, is far greater than what one organization or person can achieve alone.
All of Federation’s work, in Greater MetroWest, Israel, and around the world, is inspired by our commitment to klal yisrael and tikkun olam — one Jewish people and repairing of the world — and made possible by the generosity of the Greater MetroWest Jewish community.
Learn more about your Greater MetroWest by exploring this website. To receive our weekly and monthly e-communications, click here. Check our Community Calendar and Events pages. Visit often to stay informed. And if you’re not sure what you are interested in or where to get the help you need, contact the Donor Resource Center at (973) 929-3198 or drc@jfedgmw.org.