Sodexo Foundation


Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation announced that the application period for the 2017 Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarships opens today, October 5 and closes December 5, 2016. The scholarship program urges students to apply to #Get5Give5 and Impact Millions. Students ages 5-25 are eligible to apply for a $5,000 scholarship with matching $5,000 grant for the hunger charity of their choice.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 42 million people living in the U.S., including 13 million children, are at risk of hunger. Each year, Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation recognizes youth-led initiatives that work to improve the quality of life for children and families who are impacted by hunger in local communities.

Up to five national scholarship recipients will be selected based on their ongoing work to fight hunger, with each receiving a $5,000 scholarship and a matching $5,000 grant for their anti-hunger charity of choice. Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation will also recognize up to 20 Stop Hunger Regional Honorees with a $1,000 donation for their preferred hunger-relief charity.

To date, the Foundation has recognized 169 Stop Hunger Regional Honorees and 51 national scholarship recipients with grants totaling $399,000 for their hunger-relief charities and $230,000 in scholarships. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in an accredited education institution (kindergarten through graduate school) in the United States and be able to demonstrate an enduring commitment to hunger-relief activities in their community.

The deadline for 2017 applications is December 5, 2016. The 2017 Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship recipients will be announced on June 12, 2017 at the 18th Annual Sodexo Foundation Dinner. Learn more and apply.

Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, was created with the mission to ensure that every child in the United States grows up with dependable access to enough nutritious food to enable them to lead a healthy, productive life. Sodexo, Inc. funds all administrative costs for Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation to ensure that all money raised helps those in need. Since its inception, the Foundation has granted more than $27 million to alleviate child hunger.


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE