Youth P.A.C. Scholarship


Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarships are the primary means by which EAF carries out its mission. The Foundation awards Merit, Financial Need and Youth Partners Accessing Capital (Y.P.A.C.) scholarships.


Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for this one-year one-time only scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Be a full-time, sophomore or beyond;
  • Be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (“B” average);
  • Demonstrate community service and involvement.

Merit scholarship applications and supporting documents for Undergraduate students were due April 15, 2016. Awards will be announced in August 2016.

Scholarship Application Instructions
Undergraduate Scholarship Fact Sheet
Click here to access the scholarship portal and complete your application

Financial Need

Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for this one-year one-time only award, the applicant must:

  • Be a full-time, sophomore or beyond;
  • Be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 (“C+” average);
  • Demonstrate community service and involvement.

Financial Need scholarship applications and supporting documents for Undergraduate students were due April 15, 2016. Awards will be announced in August 2016.

Scholarship Application Instructions
Undergraduate Scholarship Fact Sheet
Click here to access the scholarship portal and complete your application

Graduate Scholarships

Scholarships are the primary means by which EAF carries out its mission. The Foundation awards Merit and Financial Need graduate scholarships.


Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for this one-year one-time only scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Be a full-time, sophomore or beyond;
  • Be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (“B” average);
  • Demonstrate community service and involvement.

Merit scholarship applications and supporting documents for Graduate students are due August 15, 2016. Awards will be announced by December 2016.

Scholarship Application Instructions
Graduate Scholarship – Community Assistance Award Fact Sheet
Click here to access the scholarship portal and complete your application

Financial Need

Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for this one-year one-time only award, the applicant must:

  • Be a full-time, sophomore or beyond;
  • Be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution;
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 (“C+” average);
  • Demonstrate community service and involvement.

Financial Need scholarship applications and supporting documents for Graduate students are due August 15, 2016. Awards will be announced by December 2016.

Scholarship Application Instructions
Graduate Scholarship – Community Assistance Award Fact Sheet
Click here to access the scholarship portal and complete your application

Youth Partners Accessing Capital (Y.P.A.C.)

Scholarship Eligibility

  • Be a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
  • Be at least a college sophomore
  • Have a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Demonstrate exceptional academic achievement or extreme financial need
  • Participate in leadership, volunteer, civic or campus activities

Youth P.A.C. scholarship applications and supporting documents were due April 15, 2016. Awards will be announced in August 2016.

Youth P.A.C. Fact Sheet
Youth P.A.C. Application Instructions
Click here to access the scholarship portal and complete your application

Youth Partners Accessing Capital (Y.P.A.C.) Service Award

Scholarship Eligibility

Youth P.A.C. Service Awards applications and supporting documents had a postmark deadline of August 15, 2016. Awards will be announced by December 2016.

Youth P.A.C. Fact Sheet
Click here to access the scholarship portal and complete your application

Community Assistance Awards

Community Assistance Awards are awarded to assist individuals and organizations for a specific civic, educational or human service program or project.

Some of the projects that receive funding involve partnerships with longstanding service organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross and the American Kidney Foundation. Others empower service-minded individuals and organizations at the local level by supporting everything from homeless children in Dayton, OH to an English proficiency program for immigrants in Chicago IL. Foundation grants have also underwritten scores of advanced mathematics and science programs and camps for middle school students from South Central Los Angeles to Shreveport, LA.

One of our most unusual grants was to Yei Diocese in Sudan to provide room and board, tuition and fees for ten Sudanese orphan girls to attend boarding school. “I was kind of surprised because we rarely get grants from the United States,” said Father Damian Aduga, who applied for the grant. “Most of our grants come from Europe, so it was really something that the Foundation had gone outside of its scope to help in Africa.”

Community Assistance 2014 b1Because they support initiatives designed and implemented by individuals who know their community’s needs best, Community Assistance Awards help leverage funds in a manner that does the most good.

Eligible projects must address one of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s Signature Program Initiatives.

Community Assistance Award applications and supporting documents are due August 15, 2016. Awards will be announced in December 2016.


Alpha Chapter AKA – Howard University Fund

Scholarship Eligibility

Howard University is the founding home of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. On January 15, 2008, as part of the Centennial Celebration, EAF made contributions to two institutions through the Alpha Chapter AKA-Howard University Fund.

In recognition of the charitable spirit of the founders, the Sorority established the Nellie M. Quander Memorial Scholarship Fund and the Alpha Kappa Alpha Archives in Howard University’s Moorland-Spingarn Research Center.

Alice S. Marriott Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Eligibility

Marriott International has partnered with Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. to grant scholarships for 2012 to 2016. The scholarships are offered to students from traditionally underrepresented groups who are interested in careers in hospitality.

Alice S. Marriott married J. Willard Marriott in 1927. In addition to her corporate and family responsibilities, Alice devoted time to a number of civic, charitable and cultural institutions and causes. She held several high-ranking roles in the Republican Party, including treasurer of the national conventions. Alice was also a trustee of the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts and served two ten-year terms on its board and its executive and finance committees. Her personal philosophy of volunteerism is remembered in the Alice S. Marriott Award for Community Service, an honor bestowed annually on a Marriott business unit that exemplifies the volunteer spirit. The Alice S. Marriott Scholarship Fund was created to honor the memory of Marriott’s co-founder and mother of Chairman and CEO Bill Marriott.

Completed application packets for the 2016 Alice S. Marriott Scholarship Fund had a due date of May 1, 2016.

Criteria Specifications:

Please read all instructions carefully before completing the application form. Complete applications packets must be postmarked no later than May 1, 2016.
To be eligible for the scholarship, the applicant must meet the following criteria listed below.

  • Must be an undergraduate student at a degree institution
  • Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Major in Hospitality Management or Hotel/Motel Management Curriculum at a degree granting institution

Alice S. Marriot Scholarship Application Criteria


Gender: All
Country: USA
State: All
Grade level: Undergraduate
GPA: 3
Need or Merit: Merit
Race: All
Ethnicity: All
Religion: All
Major: All
Veterans: Yes
Employment: Yes
Community Service: Yes
For more information you can check website link: CLICK HERE